Thursday 17 May 2012

I need to write down my the previous semester.......

IMR455 = A  for managing archive
IMR505 = A for filing system
IMS552 = A  for Information system
IMS556 = A  for Information system interaction and consultation
IMS555 = A for decision theory
BAB451 = A for Basic Arabic 2

Subjek2 di atas saya tersangatlah minat melainkan subject nie

BEL482 =  Target B+ for Business and professionan communication...... However, saya kene jugak belajar untuk meminati subjek nie... hari nie kuar keputusan informal meeting...hehehe... xsangka plak just state satu ayat jew time meeting tue boleh dpt 12.67/ the way TQVM PM Norhaiyati....hehe... Ingatkan 8,9 cam tue... at least lulus..heheh......... 

Just think like that.....ianya tak lari if ranking masih same...hehehehe..........

My competitor is just a classmate....NUR AINATUL MARDIAH...and saya yakin dialah persaingan yang teramat baik...and dari situlah timbullah semangat nak fokus more and more... CREDIT to AINA....hehehe....... My confidential is very high...hati n naluri mengatakan hanya DIA pesaing terhebat....... Beliau jugak mudah mendapat keberkatan.... Let say Parent..... dari situ wujudnya kejayaan beliau... I'm Salute U more friend.. If u read my blog....JUST smile.....DON"T need to KPOP..hehehehe.....